How to Help a Fallen Bedridden Patient
Try to prevent falls by checking patients more frequently and asking if they need to use the bathroom, even before they ring the buzzer. Ensure that everything necessary is within reach of the patient, and that the height of shelves, door handles and other facilities are appropriate to their needs.
Respond instantly if you find that a patient has fallen. Summon help and then get down to the patient's level. Reassure and comfort him.
Carry out a preliminary assessment. Check the patient's level of consciousness by calling his name and comparing his responses to his normal responsiveness. Check for any signs of bleeding. Apply pressure in the case of profuse bleeding, using a clean dressing pad or towel. Elevate the limb, if safe and appropriate. Check for any obvious breaks. Perform a brief body examination, looking for any cuts, bruises or swelling.
Lift the resident safely from the floor, but only if there are no contra-indications, such as spinal or head injury. Put an unconscious resident in the recovery position. Many organizations will require you to lift the resident using a hoist. Refer the resident to a physician as soon as you have made him comfortable, if this is appropriate.
Complete the required paperwork. Review the fall. Learn from any mistakes. Lippincott's Nursing Center argues that a more open and honest approach to the causes of falls is one of the most effective preventative measures an organization can take.