How to Bandage a Cut Without a Band-Aid
Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial soap
- Paper towel
- Gauze
- Antibacterial ointment
- Surgical tape
- Scissors
Clean the cut gently with antibacterial soap and cool water. This will remove any grit or debris lodged inside the cut.
Dry the wound using a clean paper towel.
Dab a pea-sized amount of antibacterial gel over the cut surface of the skin. The gel promotes cell renewal and growth while staving off infection.
Place a 1/2-inch thick piece of gauze over the cut. Combine multiple pieces of gauze to achieve this thickness if necessary.
Tape the gauze to the skin using four strips of surgical tape. Cut each piece approximately a 1/2 inch longer than the gauze. For example, if each side of the gauze and plastic bandage measures 2 inches, cut the tape strips at 2 1/2 inches. Overlap the tape strips at the corners for extra security.
Change bandage by repeating this process every 24 hours.