First Aid Instructor Training Courses
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross, established in 1881, responds to roughly 70,000 emergencies every year, ranging from the inconvenience of community power outages to devastation caused by earthquakes and tsunamis. Basic Red Cross training teaches participants how to respond to burns, wounds, muscular injuries and other emergencies. Courses can be offered in different languages and online. A standard, day-long class will cost about $75 as of February 2011. Contact your local chapter for more information about becoming a Red Cross certified instructor.
American Heart Association
The American Heart Association's focus is on cardiac problems, but the group also offers help to first aid instructors. Training centers offer basic and discipline-specific courses, such as basic life support and heart attack specialties. The classes also serve to meet continuing education requirements for health professionals.
Boy Scouts of America
The motto of the Boy Scouts of America is "Be Prepared," and the organization offers a variety of classes to help potential instructors become certified. The Boy Scouts offer a Wilderness First Aid certification at two of its high-adventure bases that both the American Red Cross and the Emergency Care and Safety Institute recognize.
Emergency Care and Safety Institute
The Emergency Care and Safety Institute offers instructor training that's supported by the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American College of Emergency Physicians. The training in first aid, CPR, bloodborne pathogens and other subjects happens at centers around the country, sponsored by government agencies, health centers and schools.