How to Get Fiberglass Insulation Out of the Eyes
Things You'll Need
- Hand soap
- Pure water or eyewash
Remove yourself from the environment containing the fiberglass insulation. Move to an area where there are no insulation fibers in the air or on surfaces.
Ensure everyone involved in the eye-cleansing process washes their hands with soap thoroughly, removing any dirt, fiberglass or other harmful matter.
Examine the affected eye closely to determine the number of fiberglass insulation fibers you're dealing with. If there seem to be a small amount, proceed to step four. If you notice a large number of fibers embedded in and around the eye, seek help from a medical professional instead of attempting to remove the fibers on your own.
Place one finger on the skin of the eyelid, behind the eyelashes. Pull the eyelid up with the finger until there is space in and around the eye for a stream of water.
Apply a gentle and steady stream of pure water or eyewash to the underside of the eyelid. Repeat this procedure under the eye and around to the sides of the eye, being very thorough.
Re-examine the eye with the eyelid still pulled back. If fibers remain, repeat step five. Continue to alternate examining and flushing the eye until all the fibers are rinsed out. As long as the cornea isn't scratched, there should be no permanent eye damage.
Visit a medical professional if you aren't able to flush out all the insulation fibers or if eye irritation persists.