Certifications in Pet First Aid
Red Cross
The American Red Cross offers a course in pet first aid that certifies you for life. Take the course in person to learn first-aid techniques. The course, which varies in price by location, includes manuals on dog and cat first aid, each of which comes with a step-by-step DVD.
NAPPS Certification
The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters offers a 16-week, online certification class geared toward pet sitters. The course certifies you in many first-aid techniques, including pet CPR, administering medications and treating an animal in shock. Certification lasts three years and costs $245 for members and $395 for nonmembers, as of November 2010.
Pets America Certification
Pets America offers its own pet first-aid certification course. The course teaches CPR, the Heimlich maneuver for pets, how to prevent and recognize pet illnesses and how to prepare for disasters. Pet America offers the 3 1/2 hour course, located in Dallas, Texas, throughout the year for $45 (or $59.95 with a course book).