Third Degree Burn Symptoms

Burns occur when the tissue is injured by things like fire, the sun, chemicals, heated objects, fluids or electricity. Burns are classified and treated based upon the severity or damage they cause. Third degree burns are among the more serious types of burns and are described as causing injury to all layers of skin and the fatty tissue below the skin. Third degree burns can be life threatening and should always be treated by a professional.
  1. Appearance

    • A visual inspection of the burn can help you determine its severity. Third degree burns may have some redness, but may also look white or black in color. The skin may look pale, charred or leathery. According to, a third degree burn may blister, but it is more likely to be dry and waxy in appearance. Burns may also cause peeling of the skin and swelling.


    • Third degree burns can be quite painful. However, if the nerve endings are affected by the burn you may not initially feel pain, or the pain may be minimal compared to the degree of damage. In fact, the burn may actually feel as if has been numbed.


    • When a burn is severe it is not uncommon for you to go into shock. Symptoms of shock would include clamminess, pale skin, blue tint to lips and fingernails, decrease in alertness and weakness.

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