Causes of Lice
Head Lice
Head lice are wingless insects that live on the human scalp, especially in children. Head lice are usually spread by body contact with an individual who has head lice. Head lice may also be contracted by clothing (e.g., scarves and hats) and personal toiletries (e.g., hair brushes and combs). Since females are more likely to share clothing and toiletries, girls and women are more likely to have head lice than boys and men.
Body Lice
Body lice infest human bodies. Body lice are able to attach their eggs to clothing of the individual infested. While hygiene has no correlation on head lice, it does affect the spreading of body lice, especially in rural areas. Infestation is unlikely with proper bathing and laundering of clothes.
Pubic Lice
Pubic lice, also known as crabs, are parasitic insects that infect human genitals. Infestation occurs when skin-to-skin contact occurs, especially through sexual relations. Other methods include sharing of towels and contact with bedsheets, though these are more unlikely because the insects require a warm environment to survive. When diagnosed with pubic lice, individuals should refrain from sexual contact until treated. Other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) should also be evaluated.