Emergency First Aid Kit List
The most essential element to human survival is water. While individuals can survive for days or weeks without food, even a day without water takes a massive toll. In the instance of a large disaster, specifically in a lower-population area, supply lines could be cut and resources limited. Federal disaster agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) suggest keeping enough water on hand for three days (one gallon, per person per day).
After water, the most basic need an individual has is food. FEMA recommends having three days worth of non-perishable packaged or canned food. A good emergency first aid kit will also have a non-electric can opener as well.
Light and Electronics
A large-scale disaster often results in a loss of power that may take hours, days or weeks to return. For that reason, keeping a flashlight, preferably a hand crank one that doesn't rely on batters, is advantageous. FEMA classifies a source of light as an integral part of emergency first aid kits. Government agencies also advise outfitting emergency first aid kits with radios to to stay apprised of the latest news.
Clothes and Shelter
In the event that homes are destroyed, it may be necessary for people to provide their own shelter. A couple changes of clothes, blankets and sleeping bags are all crucial to a good emergency kit, especially in an area with extreme weather conditions. Additionally, federal agencies recommend carrying materials such as plastic wrap and duct tape to build a temporary shelter until response personnel arrive.
First Aid Materials
Any emergency first-aid kit should have a smaller medical kit. Adhesive bandages, medical tape, aspirin, gauze and rubbing alcohol are critical elements of such a kit.
Important Information
In the case of an immediate emergency, federal officials recommend carrying crucial information such as emergency contacts, makes and models of necessary medical equipment and financial information, such as bank and credit card numbers.