Skin Care for Skin Tears
Things You'll Need
- Antiseptic wipes
- Antibiotic ointment
- Nail clippers or forceps
- Petroleum jelly
- Adhesive strip bandage or gauze bandage and bandage tape
Clean the wounded area with antiseptic wipes. Apply a light amount of antibiotic ointment to the clean wound.
Stretch the torn skin back over the wound--torn skin may regenerate if it's replaced. If the torn skin is infected or in tatters, then trim the damaged skin back to the healthy skin with a pair of nail clippers or forceps.
Aerate the wounded area, and let it begin to dry. Skip aeration if the wound is still bleeding.
Dress the wound with a light coat of petroleum jelly, and apply an appropriately sized bandage. Use adhesive strip bandages to cover small wounds. For larger tears, cover the wound with a piece of gauze and wrap it with bandage tape.