OSHA Requirement for First Aid Cabinets
First aid kits should be located where employees can easily access them. One of the primary requirements for the first aid cabinet as set forth by OSHA regulations is that the first aid kit or cabinet should be within easy access for emergencies. The kit is generally required to be placed in an area of the office or workplace where it can be found quickly and the contents can be utilized without excessive effort. Most first aid cabinets are placed prominently on a wall located in an employee break-room or lounge.
First aid kits and cabinets should be clearly marked. The cabinet should be clearly marked with the first aid symbol or the words "First Aid." The kits are typically made of an indestructible material that can stand up to catastrophe that might strike the building or area.
OSHA requires at least two different sizes of gauze pads. OSHA requires that a first aid cabinet be equipped with a minimum of two different types of gauze pads, including at least two gauze pads measuring at a minimum 4 by 4 inches and two large gauze pads measuring at least 8 by 10 inches.
First aid kits should include traditional band-aids. In addition to gauze pads, the first aid kit should also include a roll of gauze bandages that measures at least 2 inches wide. The kit should stock at least one box of adhesive bandages traditionally known as band-aids, and two triangular bandages meant to bandage large wounds or tie a sling. A wound cleaning agent such as sealed moistened towelettes or alcohol should also be present along with the bandages. The OSHA standards also stipulate a first aid cabinet should include additional items required to bandage and dress wounds such as scissors, tweezers, adhesive tape and latex gloves.
Additional Items
Some kits may require antidotes to toxic chemicals present in the workplace. At least one blanket should be included, as well as a splint to set broken bones and some sort of resuscitation equipment such as resuscitation bag, airway or pocket mask. Depending on the type of workplace and the chemicals which may be used or produced in the building, some kits will also need to contain an eyewash station or solution to remove hazardous chemicals from the eyes and skin. A first aid instruction kit is also required to help conduct first aid treatments. Additional first aid items may be recommended by OSHA depending on the type of workplace.