How to Remove an Arrow Wound
Sometimes when a group of people are out hunting, accidents can occur. Though arrow wounds aren't as bad as bullet wounds, they can still be fatal if they hit major organs or nerves, especially in the chest or throat. Once an arrow wound occurs, you should seek help immediately by going to the nearest hospital. There are some ways to minimize damage to the wound and help ensure safety before the arrow is removed by medical professionals.Instructions
Leave the arrow inside the person if the arrow is still attached. Trying to pull the arrow out before going to a hospital or receiving medical care could potentially damage organs and cause more bleeding.
Stabilize the arrow by applying adhesive tape or another stabilizer to the base of the shaft to keep the arrow still and minimize movement, which could cause more damage.
Wrap a clean towel or gauze around the base of the shaft, and then apply direct pressure on the bleeding wound. If the cloth or gauze becomes soaked with blood, put another one on top of the first instead of peeling the first one off.
Treat shock by giving the victim blankets if he is cold, or use cold compresses on his stomach and forehead if hot.
Go to the hospital. While moving the person, avoid moving or bumping the arrow as this could cause damage to internal organs.
Provide medical professionals with a duplicate arrow if possible once you've arrived at the hospital. A duplicate arrow will help medical professionals determine the size and shape of the arrow and know if they have retrieved all the pieces of the arrow from the victim.