Uses of Bandage Scissors
Trim Bandages
The main purpose of bandages scissors is to trim adhesive bandages when covering a wound. The scissors are made to easily cut through the adhesive without sticking to the bandage.
Trim Gauze
Bandage scissors are also used to cut through gauze when applying a bandage. Gauze is slightly difficult to cut, and the serrated edges of the bandage scissors hold the gauze in place to keep it from moving during the cutting process.
Remove Bandages
After a bandage is worn for a length of time, the bandage adhesive becomes stuck quite securely to the skin. To avoid ripping the bandage off the patient's skin, bandages scissors are commonly used to gently cut away the bandage.
Remove Clothing
In an emergency situation, a patient's clothing may need to be removed quickly to provide necessary medical care. In this situation, bandage scissors are often used to quickly cut away the patient's clothing.
The blunted tips of bandage scissors are angled away from the cutting surface. This precaution is necessary to ensure a patient does not get injured while bandages or clothing are being removed with the scissors.