How to Treat A Cut Or Burn
Things You'll Need
- Healthy Habits
You need to be sure you clean the area with cool water immediately and then apply an antibiotic ointment and a band aid. This is important as it will keep the cut or burn from getting infected and insure it can heal the fastest by providing moisture.
Be sure to keep the cut moist and keep it covered. The old "let the cut air out" method is obsolete and will not help your wound heal any faster. When the scab dries out and scabs over, new cell growth can be delayed. You should apply a ointment or petroleum jelly under a fresh bandage until the cut heals.
Be certain to massage the cut or bruise after it is fully healed. This will help break down the thick scar tissue that is left by the healing process and helps encourage your skin's softer layers to regenerate.
If you have any old scars on your body, you should try to get a over the counter cream so that the scar will become smoother and lighten the appearance of the scar and make it disappear eventually. Be sure to use the cream everyday to help minimize the scar.