Homemade Stretcher
Gather Materials
Collect the three items you will need to make a stretcher: first, a blanket, tarpaulin, sheet of plastic or virtually anything blanket-like you can find. Next, a couple of poles, tree limbs or long rods for the handles. On a beach you can use two sailboard masts and a sail. On a camping trip, you can use a sleeping bag or blanket and a couple of strong saplings. In a workshop, pull a tarp off a pile of wood and grab a couple of long 2-by-4s or 2-by-2s. Any of these will work. The following steps show the basic blanket and pole version.
Lay Out
Lay the blanket on the floor oriented so you are working at the long edge of the blanket with the short edges to your right and left. Get your poles.
Lay the first pole on top of the blanket parallel to the sides and about 1/3 of the blanket width from the right edge of the blanket. Fold the part of the blanket to the right of the pole over the pole like a flap and lay it across the pole and the center section of the blanket. Lay the second pole on top of the blanket inside of the edge of the blanket flap you just folded over the first pole and center section of the blanket. Now fold the left side of the blanket from the pole to the left edge over the top of the second pole and lay it across the center section over the top of both poles. To repeat - lay the first pole on the right third, fold the right side over, lay the second pole on the left third and fold the left side over the top of both poles.
Carefully lay the patient on top of the blanket. Get as many people as possible to help you lift and move the patient's body as a single unit. Do not force damaged body parts to move from their damaged position to avoid further injury. The weight of the patient on the blankets will keep the blankets from slipping on the poles. Now simply get two people on either end of the stretcher and lift by the poles. When you walk, be sure to walk out of step with each other to prevent the stretcher from swinging. If you have extra help, have them walk alongside and hold the poles at the center. Practice a few times to get the idea into your head and you'll be able to put one together quickly in an emergency.