Splinter Home Remedy
Typically, the most effective way to remove a splinter is to simply grasp the protruding end of the splinter with a pair of tweezers and pull. The tweezers should be disinfected with rubbing alcohol before you attempt to remove the splinter. It can be helpful to pour hydrogen peroxide over the area of skin before you attempt removal. The bubbling action of the peroxide can cause the splinter to loosen and make it easier to remove. Wash the area with soap and water after removing the splinter.
If the splinter is so deeply embedded that no part of it is protruding, use a disinfected sewing needle to remove it. The sewing needle should be cleaned with rubbing alcohol and the skin where the splinter is located should be wiped with rubbing alcohol before beginning the procedure. Once the needle and skin are disinfected, insert the needle under the skin to gently dislodge the splinter. Once a piece of the splinter is protruding, use the tweezers to pull it the rest of the way out. Wash the area with soap and water when you are finished. Apply a triple antibiotic ointment if necessary.
If you can't start the removal process with either the tweezers or needle method, soak the affected area in warm water twice a day for a couple of days. Adding a tablespoon of baking soda to the water will speed the process by which the splinter works its way out of the skin. Once the splinter is close enough to the surface, use the needle method, the tweezers or a combination to completely remove the splinter.