Wound Care Treatment of Electrical Burns
Before Beginning Treatment
Call 9-1-1, if available in the area, or contact other emergency medical personnel. Before touching the victim, make sure the person is not touching the electrical source or the source has been disconnected. Failure to do so could result in injury to the caregiver.
Assess the Situation
Because the same electrical current that causes burns can cause cardiac arrest, the victim should be checked for pulse and breathing. Begin appropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) activity if necessary.
Treatment of Electrical Burns
According to the Mayo Clinic, cover the burn with a sterile material, a gauze bandage or any clean cloth. Avoid materials with loose fibers as they might stick to the burn, increasing discomfort and the possibility of infection.
Prevent Shock
Keep the person still. If possible, place the victim lying down with the head slightly lower than the chest and the legs elevated. Keep the victim warm.
Check for Other Injuries
In many cases, the jolt of electricity that causes the burn may cause the victim to fall, resulting in other injuries. Check for broken bones or other injuries.