What Does a First Aid Kit Typically Contain?
Scrapes, cuts, and deep gashes are common injuries. A first aid kit typically includes bandages of several sizes, gauze, sterile dressings, and adhesive tape to treat these types of injuries. If the injury is serious, bandage the wound and seek medical attention.
Other Basic Items
Some other typical items in a first aid kit include: scissors, tweezers, needles, disposable gloves, and a resealable plastic bag for use as an ice pack. Store all your items in a container to keep them all together and protect them from being damaged.
Over The Counter Medications
Over the counter pain relief medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and Tylenol are typically included in most first aid kits.
Cleaning Agents
It is important when treating injuries to keep them clean to prevent infection. To this end first aid kits typically contain antiseptic wound wipes, antibiotic ointment, sterile eye wash/saline, burn cream, and waterless hand cleaner.
Expiration Dates
Remember to periodically check the expiration dates of first aid kit products, such as medications or antiseptic items. Make sure to dispose of and replace anything that is out of date.