How to Assemble an Emergency Surgical First Aid Kit
Purchase a sturdy, waterproof case to store your emergency surgical first aid supplies.
Place a nylon suture and cutting needle in your first aid kit. These may be necessary to suture a wound in an emergency.
Include a scalpel in your kit. Be sure the scalpel is covered with a protective sheath before placing it in the first aid kit.
Include thumb tissue forceps. These are similar to tweezers, but they have sharper tips for tasks that require more precision.
Include a hemostat. A hemostat is used to clamp down on a blood vessel and stop excessive bleeding.
Have packages of alcohol wipes and antiseptic wipes to ensure sanitation and prevent infection.
Place a probe into your kit. A probe can be used to examine a wound in case something needs to be removed from it, such as a rock or piece of glass.
Include syringes of various sizes in your kit, such as 3 cc or 10 cc. Different sizes may be needed in an emergency.
Be sure to purchase everyday items for your emergency surgical kit, such as scissors, a flashlight and lubricating jelly. Many items that are in a standard first aid kit, such as antiseptic, can also be useful in a surgical first aid kit.