What Are the Dangers of the Common Cold?

The cold has been around so long that it is even named the "common cold." However, it can hold dangers, so take it seriously when you or someone you know catches one.
  1. History

    • The common cold is caused by hundreds of different viruses. There is no real cure against it; however, as you grow older, you become immune to many of the viruses.


    • Congestion, sore throat and stuffy or runny nose are all symptoms of a cold.


    • Having a chronic condition, like diabetes, with a cold can subject you to pneumonia or even chronic ailments, like ear or sinus infection and bronchitis.


    • People often confuse a cold with the flu. With a cold, there is no fever; however, there is a hacking cough, stuffy head and appears gradually. The flue takes three to five days to appear.


    • In children, the cold can be very harmful because they can develop complications. Also, the medication given can have an adverse effect on a child, such as convulsions or even death.


    • To prevent catching a cold, wash your hands, follow a healthy diet, exercise and keep your hands away from your face. While there is no cure, you can help speed recovery by drinking plenty of fluids and getting plenty of sleep and some exercise.

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