First Aid Procedures for Eye Injuries
Be Prepared
There are several items you should keep in your first aid kit in case of eye-related emergencies. These include sterile eye wash, rigid eye shield, gauze and gauze tape.
If a chemical or toxin gets into the eye, immediately flush the eye with clean, drinkable water from a sterile container, when possible. Open the eye as wide as you can and pour the water over it. If a container is not available, wash your hands quickly and use them to help flush the eye. Continue to flush the eye for up to 15 minutes. Do not bandage the eye after it has been flushed, as chemicals may become trapped. Seek medical attention.
Cuts and Punctures
If the eyeball or eyelid become punctured or cut in anyway, do not try to flush the eye. Medical attention is required immediately. In the meantime, cover the eye with a rigid eye shield. If you do not have an eye shield in your first aid kit, or your kit is not available, the bottom half of a paper cup can be used.
Foreign Objects
If a foreign object becomes stuck in the eye, let the eye tear in an effort to naturally flush it out. The alternative is to flush the eye with clean, drinkable water. If irritation persists, examine the eye to locate the object. Pull down the lower lid and look up, then hold the upper lid while looking down. Do not rub the eye, as this can lodge the object into the eyeball and require medical extraction. If flushing with water does not work, lightly bandage the eye and seek medical attention.
Medical Consultation
Because actions that are taken soon after eye injury occurs can be the difference between sight and blindness, it is very important to consult a medical professional after injury occurs. See a doctor or medical professional if irritation persists.