How to Make a Travel First Aid Kit
Things You'll Need
- Band-aids in multiple sizes
- Alcohol Swabs
- Benadryl
- Tylenol
- Sterile Gauze
- Disposable cold packs
- Antibiotic ointment
- Plastic gloves
When making your emergency kit it is important to consider what types of accidents are most likely to need first aid. It is also important to consider the ages and special needs of the people most likely to be using the first aid kit.
First every first aid kit should have the following items. Band-aids of various sizes, alcohol swabs, sterile gauze, disposable cold packs, antibiotic ointment and plastic gloves. Gather those items first.
Now you need to gather medications to include in your emergency kit. Tylenol and Benadryl are a must to be included. Also consider your family members needs. Does anyone take prescription medication or have asthma. Make sure you include the medication they will need.
Now that you have all of your supplies gathered you need to select a bag to store the emergency supplies in. You can use a small first aid bag that you can purchase at the store. However, a gallon size Ziploc bag also works fine too. You just need a bag that will hold all the supplies.
Now place the items in the bag and immediately place the bag in your car. The travel first aid kit won't do any good if it's sitting on your kitchen counter. Make a first aid kit for each vehicle you own. That way you are prepared at all times.