How to Take Care of Skinned Knees
Things You'll Need
- Clean Cloth Water Soap Tweezers Triple Antibiotic Cream Bandages
How to Take Care of Skinned Knees
Stop any bleeding by applying a clean cloth to the skinned knee. If bleeding doesn't stop quickly, keep the cloth applied to the wound for 20-30 minutes. If bleeding is excessive or persists beyond this time frame, medical attention is necessary.
Flush the wound with clean water. This should remove any debris from the skinned knee. If debris remains, use tweezers to carefully remove it. Make sure the tweezers are sterilized in alcohol before using them.
Clean the area around the wound with a gentle soap. Do not get soap in the wound, though; the water should flush away any dirt or debris.
Apply a triple antibiotic cream like Neosporin. This topical treatment will help heal skinned knees, prevent infection and keep the skin clean and moist while it is healing.
Cover the skinned knees with a gauze bandage or Band-Aid. This will help keep debris and bacteria out of the wound. Change the bandage every day and when necessary. Wear the bandage until a scab or new layer of skin forms.