What Does It Mean to Immobilize?
The word immobilize is made up of three parts. The prefix "im" indicates a negative definition--for example, someone who is immature is NOT mature. The root word "mobil" indicates movement, and the suffix "ize" indicates a process. Thus, to "immobilize" is to go through a process that makes something not mobile.
First Aid
In medical processes, the word "immobilize" is used frequently. Joints that have been sprained or strained are often immobilized to allow them to heal without chance of further injury. A person who has been in an accident may have his neck immobilized in order to protect the spine until it can be determined whether it has been injured.
Surgery and Treatment
Most patients are immobilized during surgery. The arms and legs are strapped down to prevent reflex muscle action while the patient is under anesthesia. Children must also be immobilized during many procedures to prevent them from reacting violently.
Most full body immobilization, however, is only used when the patient is completely unconscious. Care is taken that the devices used to immobilize the patient are as comfortable as possible.
Occasionally, a patient must also be immobilized to prevent him from injuring himself or others during a time of psychological breakdown. Although it is no longer used, the straitjacket is perhaps the most famous device for immobilizing a psychological patient.
Law Enforcement
The word immobilize is used often in law enforcement, as well. Officers must often immobilize vehicles, as well as people.
Law enforcement officers may immobilize a vehicle whose owner has too many unpaid parking or traffic tickets. Often a device, referred to as a boot, is attached to a car's wheel, making it unable to be driven.
Officers may also immobilize a suspect or criminal using a number of methods. Handcuffs are the most common form: they immobilize the person's arms. A type used for more dangerous people may immobilize both the arms and legs.
Miscellaneous Uses
Other uses of the word immobilize occur less frequently, but are correct.
For example, the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz was immobilized by the rust in his joints.
Most circumstances in which an object, machine or person that would normally be able to move has been rendered unable to do so are appropriate situations to use the word immobilize.