How to Take a Person's Pulse
Things You'll Need
- Watch or clock with a second hand
Let the person whose pulse you are taking sit still and rest quietly for five to 10 minutes to ensure that the heart rate hasn't risen due to heightened activity.
Place two fingers gently against the wrist below the palm of the hand. If a pulse is hard to feel in the wrist, find the carotid artery in the neck, which is located to either side of the windpipe. Press gently.
Count the beats for 30 seconds and then double it to determine beats per minute (BPM). A normal resting pulse for an infant to a 1-year-old is 100 to 160 BPM. A 1- to 6-year-old's pulse should run 65 to 140 BPM; at 7 to 10 years old, it should run 60 to 110 BPM. A normal pulse for someone 11 years old to an adult age is somewhere between 50 and 100 BPM.