What Are the Requirments to Go to an EMT Class?

Emergency medical training is a great way to be prepared should the unthinkable happen. Knowing basic medical procedures, if you are the first to respond to a scene, is critical. Although an important class, there remain few requirements to attend.
  1. Age

    • You must be at least eighteen years of age. An adult may not accompany a minor to class.

    Able and Ready

    • You must be physically capable to move and handle heavy objects. You must also be of sound mind and display no mental handicaps that may impair your judgment.

    Drug Free

    • You must not be addicted to any illegal drugs or controlled substances. Further, a heavy dependency to alcohol is not tolerated.


    • You must provide proof of all necessary yearly immunizations and show medical proof that you can work in a variety of environments. Your specific class will give you the list of such immunizations upon request.

    Criminal Background

    • A background check will be conducted. Check your local EMT facility for what would disqualify you should there be a conviction issue.

    Classes or Semester Training

    • You may simply attend a class to see what being an EMT is all about, or enroll in a semester to obtain the necessary education to apply for a license. Semesters generally run sixteen weeks.

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