How to Survive a Fall from a Two-Story Window
Think fast. A fall from a second story window lasts for less than two seconds, so you have to begin positioning your body as soon as the fall begins.
Fall feet first. The maximum amount of physical damage occurs if you fall head first, and the least amount if you fall feet first. If for some reason you go out of the window head first, it is critical that you reposition your body to fall feet first immediately.
Bend your knees for the impact and land on the balls of your feet. Bending your knees greatly reduces the impact of the fall on your body and can make the difference between paralyzing spinal damage and survival without permanent injury.
Roll after impact. If you can, position your body to roll after the initial impact rather than bounce or collapse. Curl your body and tuck one shoulder in to roll slightly to one side and avoid impact to the head or neck.
Protect your head after the initial impact. Put your hands behind your head as you would in a tornado drill to protect your head and neck after the impact as you roll onto a potentially dangerous surface.