How to Treat a Poisonous Bite
Things You'll Need
- Soap and water
- Antihistamine
- Ice pack
- Acetaminophen
- Antibiotic gel
- Dressing
Insect Bites
Treat insect bites by washing the area with soap and water. Take an allergy responding antihistamine to help alleviate any swelling. Insects like ticks, spiders and scorpions all inject venom into your system when biting.
Apply an ice pack or a very cold washcloth to help minimize swelling. Lift up the affected area to keep the poisonous venom at bay. Put a pillow under the area to keep it elevated.
Take acetaminophen for pain and/or fever followed by an application of an antibiotic gel.
Keep a close eye on the affected area. Watch for redness or excess swelling in the affected area. Seek medical attention if fever occurs with a poisonous bite or if there is excessive redness in the area.
Snake Bites
Wash the snake bite area immediately with soap and water.
Put the affected limb or affected area of the body out of action. Keep the affected area as still as possible while treating the snake bite.
Wrap the area with a dressing 2 to 4 inches above the snake bite to slow the poison's progress. Be sure you leave enough room to put a finger under the dressing.
Keep the limb or area of the body where the snake bite occurred lower than the heart to help keep the venom from spreading through the body too quickly.
Consider snake bites a medical emergency and seek medical attention immediately. Even if the snake bite is thought to be non-poisonous, get medical attention in order to ward off infection.