How to Catch a Fainting Person
React fast when you are standing next to someone who has fainted. As they are slumping to the ground or floor, attempt to break their fall. In particular, attempt to cradle their head so that it doesn't slam onto the floor.
Stretch or lay down the person who has fainted and quickly evaluate the situation. If their clothing is too tight, loosen some of it. If they are too hot, cool them off with a damp cloth. Consider raising their legs a few inches, no more than 12, to get their blood circulating.
Call for medical assistance if the person that has fainted is elderly, a diabetic or pregnant.
Prevent the situation from starting if you can. If someone stops talking suddenly and looks disoriented or if they feel dizzy, these are all warning signs that should alert you that you may have to catch someone who is about to faint. If you can catch the warning signs first, have them sit down, lie down or rest. Get them a cup of water or a damp cloth. Ask about any medical conditions that they may have in the event they do pass out.