How to Revive Someone Who Has Fainted
Be aware of your environment and the person who has fainted. Know the warning signs that indicate that someone might possibly faint. Signs include paleness, coolness, sweating, dizziness, nausea, frequent yawning, tight chest or palpations.
Call emergency services or send for someone else to call an ambulance so it can be en route while you try and revive the individual. Position the person on his back if the person has fainted and make sure his feet are elevated above the heart if possible.
Check the person's air passages for any obstructions. Look in her mouth and nose for any signs of vomit, spit, food or anything that might impede the person's breathing.
Look for any medical identification bracelets that might indicate a medical condition, such as diabetes or epilepsy. Don't move the individual too far from the original fainting area.
Loosen the individual's clothing, especially items like collars, belts, and shoes. Treat any bumps, scrapes or bruises appropriately with a first aid kit.