How to Assist a Hit and Run Victim
Be aware of everything going on around you. Get a description of the vehicle, the license plate number, a description of the suspect and other important details the police will need to apprehend the suspect.
Respond quickly. Call 911 immediately and give them the location of the accident. Go to the victims side quickly so you can provide pertinent information to the emergency operator. Bring a cell phone.
Assess the victim's injuries and do not allow the victim to move. If the victim moves it could cause further injury to the spine, neck or head injuries.
Attend to immediate first aid needs. Put pressure on wounds that are bleeding and try to calm the victim by talking to them softly. Let them know help is on the way.
Bring safety to the accident site. If the accident occurred in the street or a high traffic area, ask another witness to aid in directing traffic away from the area. If you have traffic flares, set the up.
Stick around for the authorities to give a statement and provide important information.