How to Use Rubber Gloves to Treat a Patient

In the event of an emergency, it is safer to assume that bodily fluids are infectious than not. Diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS andothers are transmitted by direct contact with blood and other body fluids. If possible, you should, don rubber gloves before administering first aid to anyone, including family members.


  1. Putting the Gloves On

    • 1

      Locate a pair on non-latex rubber gloves. Many people are allergic to latex. If you only have latex gloves and your victim is conscious, ask her if she has a latex allergy. If she does, you will need some other type of barrier. Towels, clothing or other materials can be used in a pinch.

    • 2

      Slip your hands into the rubber glove. Pull the wristband of each rubber glove as far up the wrist as possible, being careful not to puncture the glove.

    • 3

      Assess the victim and provide first aid as indicated.

    Removing the Gloves

    • 4

      Remove the first rubber glove by pulling the wristband of the glove down over the rest of the hand causing the glove to turn inside out on itself. Hold the balled up glove in the palm of your other gloved hand.

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      Hook your pinky inside the wristband of the other rubber glove. Pull it down over your hand as you did with the first glove. The rubber glove should turn inside out, wrapping inside it the balled up first glove that you were holding in the palm of your hand.

    • 6

      Dispose of the ball of used rubber gloves.

    • 7

      Wash your hands with soap and water for 30 seconds. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

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