How to Control Bleeding
Survey the scene for hazards. If hazards, including downed wires or unstable structures, are present, do not enter the scene. Instead, call 911 for help.
Obtain consent to treat a conscious victim. An unconcious victim gives implied consent. If possible, don a pair of non-latex rubber gloves and assist the victim.
Determine the location of the injury. Using gauze, a towel, plastic bags or the cleanest material you have at your disposal, apply direct pressure to the wound.
Raise the wounded part of the body above the heart to slow the bleeding.
For more severe injuries, apply pressure with your fingers to the artery supplying blood to the wound. Release the artery intermittently to permit circulation to return to avoid additional injury to the limb.
Do not remove the gauze or other material once you have controlled the bleeding. Wrap the wound site with rolled gauze to hold the material in place, or improvise using other materials.
Monitor the victim for signs of shock while you wait for trained medical assistance to arrive.