How to Make a Wilderness First-Aid Kit
Prepare a suitable container for the first-aid supplies. Choose a waterproof material in a design that is impact-proof and that floats.
Equip the first-aid kit with 2-x-2 and 4-x-4 gauze pads, 2- and 4-inch elastic wrap and 2- and 4-inch rolled gauze. Include cotton swabs, adhesive tape, cotton swabs and a tourniquet.
Gather tools like tweezers, scissors, forceps and wire cutters. Purchase stainless steel when possible to prevent rust. Store tools with a piece of chalk to absorb any moisture.
Include acetaminophen and ibuprofen, aspirin, hdrocortisone cream 1%, diphenhyramine, pseudoephedrine, ranitidine hydrochloride and a topical anesthetic ointment. Include waterproof containers or individual dosing packs.
Collect non-breakable bottles of acetic acid (vinegar), isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide and sterile eyewash. Include sunscreen and instant hot-and-cold packs.
Take a comprehensive first aid course. Be familiar with possible scenarios and how to proceed. Know how to use the equipment contained in the first-aid kit.
Include a copy of the "Pocket Wilderness Emergency Handbook." Be familiar with the various sections. Research possible scenarios and treatments for related injuries.