How to Bandage a Wound During First Aid
Things You'll Need
- Bandannas
- Evacuation Plan
- Wilderness First Aid Classes
- Antibiotic Creams
- Compression Bandages
- Cotton Swabs
- Elastic Bandage Tapes
- Eyebrow Tweezers
- First Aid Kits
- Gauze
- Gauze Pads
- Gauze Wraps
- Latex Gloves
- Occlusive Dressings (Second Skin)
- Semi-occlusive Dressings (Telfa)
- Sterile Dressings
- Plastic Bags
- Scissors
- Evacuation Insurance
- Waterproof Tape
- Safety Goggles
- Surgical Masks
- Plastic bags
Protect yourself. Scrub your hands thoroughly with soap and disinfected water and put on latex gloves to prevent the spread of infectious disease.
Clean the wound and carefully remove any excess debris.
Remove any jewelry, such as rings or watches, that might impair circulation.
Apply antibiotic cream to the inside of the material you are using as the dressing.
Cover the wound with the dressing. The dressing should extend beyond the wound by about 1/2 inch so that it covers the wound completely and allows room to affix the dressing to uninjured skin.
Cut four strips of athletic tape and affix them to the dressing and skin on all four sides of the dressing. The purpose of the bandage is to help keep the dressing in place, and it shouldn't be too loose (able to move around) or too tight (impairing circulation).
If there is a risk that the wound will be exposed to water, cover the bandage with waterproof material such as waterproof tape or plastic.
Look at and feel the area and limb surrounding the wound to make certain the dressing does not impair circulation.
Ask the injured person if he or she can feel the area you are touching, feels no pain or tingling, and can move the limb fully. The skin should be pink and slightly warm to the touch.
Change dressings daily, and check for signs of infection.
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