How to Dress a Chest Wound
The goal of treatment for an open chest wound is to dress the wound while still allowing air to escape from the space surrounding the lungs. The lung may collapse if air builds up in the cavity around the lung.Instructions
Put on latex gloves to protect yourself from infectious disease.
Cover the wound immediately with nonporous material that doesn't allow air or water to pass through it. Options for this include clean plastic, an occlusive dressing, or a gauze pad coated with petroleum jelly.
Tape three sides of the bandage using adhesive tape. The fourth side should be left open as a release valve for air that is building up in the chest.
Monitor the injured person for increased difficulty breathing. You may need to briefly open the dressing on two sides to temporarily allow air to be released, then bandage the wound again immediately.
Insert a gloved finger gently into the wound to reopen it if air is not releasing through the hole and severe breathing difficulties arise. Re-bandage immediately once breathing is less labored.
Treat for shock by elevating the injured person's feet above the level of the heart and keeping the person warm and comfortable.
Evacuate immediately, continually monitoring for shock and breathing distress.