How to Make a Cervical Collar During First Aid
Things You'll Need
- Tape
- small, Sharp Scissors
- Illustration Board Or Cardboard
Get the raw material: An ensolite sleeping pad is ideal; cardboard can also work. The key is that the material be flexible yet rigid.
Cut a rectangular piece from the material a little longer than the circumference of the injured person's neck, and about as wide as the neck is long.
Cut it further so that it will fit comfortably around the injured person's neck: If you imagine the collar to be like the sloping, gentle ridgeline of a mountain range, the high points will be at 1/3 and 2/3 from left to right, with a "valley" in between them, where the front of the neck will fit. Cutting from the high points to the ends, slope it off gradually at first, then more steeply as you reach the edge.
Cut a hole approximately 2 inches in diameter just below the "valley" in the center. This will allow you to monitor the carotid pulse once the collar is in place.
Put the collar around the injured person's neck, with the hole centered over the front of the neck.
Close the collar at the back of the neck, securing it in place with duct tape or athletic tape.