How to Care for a Bruise Naturally

Bruises appear when you bump a part of your body hard enough to cause bleeding under the skin. If you get bruises for no reason, talk to your doctor to rule out a more serious illness.

Things You'll Need

  • Arnica Gels
  • Arnica Ointments
  • Cold Compresses
  • Ice Packs
  • Ice packs
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      Elevate the bruised area if possible, and try not to move it much. The faster the blood is able to clot, the sooner your bruise will disappear.

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      Apply cold packs or ice for 30 minutes at a time for a day or two following the injury to reduce any swelling that accompanies your bruise.

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      Use arnica cream or lotion on the bruise to speed healing. Arnica is an herb that can be applied topically to stimulate white blood cells, which resolve congested blood.

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      Talk to your health care provider about taking a homeopathic arnica preparation orally.

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      Avoid taking aspirin because it thins blood and will delay healing.

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