How to Treat a Sprain During First Aid
Things You'll Need
- Hand Or Wash Towels
- Bottled Water
- Cold Compresses
- Ibuprofen
- Warm Compresses
- Plastic Bags
- Ice Packs
- Ice packs
- Plastic bags
Look at the injured area for the following signs and symptoms of a sprain: swelling, discoloration, pain, instability of the joint.
Look and feel for the following signs and symptoms of a serious sprain or fracture: inability to move the joint, severe pain, immediate and pronounced swelling, pain or tenderness at a particular point, obvious deformity, a popping sound at the time of injury.
Immobilize the injury and evacuate immediately if you suspect a fracture (see eHows on splinting). If you suspect a sprain, treat the injury with the following steps.
Hydrate: Encourage the injured person to drink plenty of fluids.
Administer ibuprofen to reduce swelling. Physicians generally recommend high doses of ibuprofen when treating athletic injuries, so consult a physician for dosage.
Rest the injured area by immobilizing or staying off of it.
Apply ice to the injury for 20 to 40 minutes every 2 to 4 hours for the first 24 to 48 hours after injury. Start the ice immediately after injury - the longer the period of time without icing, the longer the recovery period.
Wrap (compress) the area snugly with an elastic bandage, being careful not to cut off circulation. This will help prevent further swelling.
Elevate the injured area above the heart. This will help reduce swelling.
Let the injury rewarm for 10 or 15 minutes and assess the pain and swelling after 20 to 40 minutes of HI-RICE. If you don't see improvement within 24 hours, splint the injury and evacuate (see eHows on splinting).
Apply heat after three days to hasten mobility if improvement is rapid.
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