How to Evaluate for Shock During First Aid
Things You'll Need
- Evacuation Plan
- Wilderness First Aid Classes
- First Aid Kits
- Watches With Second Hands
- Evacuation Insurance
- Notebooks
- Pens
Treat for Shock
Treat all injured persons for shock before assessing for shock (see "How to Treat for Shock").
Assess for Severe Shock
Observe the injured person's temperament: Is he or she confused or disoriented? If so, assume severe shock.
Evaluate the injured person's level of consciousness: Is he or she unconscious or unresponsive? If so, assume severe shock (see "How to Measure Level of Consciousness").
Take the person's pulse: Is it irregular or increasing progressively? If so, assume severe shock (see "How to Measure Heart Rate").
If none of the above signs of severe shock are confirmed, check for earlier stages of shock using the following steps.
Assess for Early Signs of Shock
Look at and feel the injured person's skin: Is he or she pale and clammy, first in the extremities and then in the trunk? If so, assume shock.
Take the injured person's pulse: Is it rapid, thready or irregular? If so, assume shock (see "How to Measure Heart Rate").
Take the injured person's respiratory rate: Is it shallow or rapid? If either, assume shock (see "How to Measure Respiratory Rate").
Observe the injured person's temperament: Is he or she restless, agitated or irritable? If so, assume shock.
Ask the injured person how he or she feels. Any complaints of thirst or nausea? If so, assume shock.
Continue rechecking for shock and evacuate immediately if any the above signs are present.
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