How to Treat Frostnip

Frostnip is the least severe form of frostbite but should not be taken lightly. Do everything in your power to prevent frostbite before it occurs, but if you see any symptoms of frostnip, treat it before it turns into something more serious.

Things You'll Need

  • Wilderness First Aid Classes
  • Water Thermometers
  • First Aid Kits
  • Camp-stove Fuels
  • Camping Cookwares
  • Camping Stoves
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      Get out of the cold as quickly as possible.

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      Heat some water with your camp stove, if you are camping, to between 104 and 108 degrees F and take the pot with water off the stove.

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      Strip the affected body part of all clothing and covering.

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      Place the affected body part in the warm water until it is fully rewarmed - that is, all discoloration is gone, and the tissue is soft and pliable.

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      See a doctor right away if you can. If you can't, just take extra care to avoid letting the area refreeze.

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