How to Design a Purified Water System
Boil the water. If you have access to a heat source, simply boiling water will kill the bacteria and organisms that can make water unsafe. Get the water to a full boil for at least 10 minutes in order to assure purification.
Treat your water with iodine or household bleach. While there will be an aftertaste, either of these chemicals mixed with water and allowed to sit for 30 minutes will purify water for drinking. Use the ratio of 2 drops of bleach or iodine per quart of water.
Add a water purification tablet. You can purchase these tablets at any outdoor sporting store. They are easy to store and use. Follow directions carefully. Different products require different water ratios and amounts of time to work properly.
Use the power of the sun. Put water to be purified in a bucket. In that bucket, place a smaller heavy container. Do not allowed the dirty water into the second container. Cover the top of the bucket with plastic wrap, being careful to leave no gaps. Place a rock on the center of the plastic wrap and place the entire unit in the sun. The sun will cause the water in the bucket to evaporate, collect on the plastic wrap, and collect to the center under the weight of the rock. After some time, the water under the pressure of the rock will fall, and the inner container will fill with purified water.