What Germs Can Be in a Dumpster?
Dumpsters are large portable waste disposal units that people use to throw away their household waste so that it can be properly dealt with and recycled if possible. As much household waste originates in the kitchen and bathroom, both vibrant breeding grounds for germs, it stands to reason that the types of germs found in Dumpsters will be similar to the kinds of germs found in the kitchen and bathroom. As many germs thrive off of one another and dirty environments, and because Dumpsters are not always emptied every day, they are bound to be full of germs.-
Salmonella is a family of bacteria that can be found in eggs, poultry, raw meat and unprocessed milk. Discarded eggs shells or pieces of raw meat could contain salmonella, which will then be transferred to the Dumpster. Salmonella poisoning can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches and fever.
E. coli
Escherichia coli is a bacteria that is found in uncooked beef, unpasteurized milk and in cucumbers. Therefore, any discarded products that are known to contain the bacteria can possibly contaminate Dumpsters. E. coli infection symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting and tiredness.
Listeria monocytogenes are germs that can be found in raw milk, meat, poultry and some vegetables and, unlike many other bacteria groups, they can flourish at low temperatures, which means they can be found in your refrigerator. Therefore these germs can find their way into Dumpsters.
Common Cold Virus
Germs that cause the common cold virus, the most common infection in humans, can also find their way into Dumpsters via discarded napkins and tissues. One of the main culprits for causing colds are rhinoviruses, viral agents that proliferate in the noses of humans. As the cold virus is airborne, discarded tissues and napkins can contain the virus.