How to Test an Organic Compound for Purity
One of the easiest ways to test an organic compound for purity is to find the melting point of a similar pure substance, then warm your sample and compare the melting points of both substances.
Things You'll Need
- Mortar and pestle
- Glass capillary tube
- Pan
- Platinum resistance thermometer or heat resistant thermometer
Obtain a table of organic compounds' melting points. Clean a glass capillary tube with a neutral detergent. Dry it. Use a mortar and pestle to reduce your sample to powder.
Put the powder inside the capillary tube. Pack the powder homogeneously. Put a high-accuracy thermometer that sustains heat inside the pan.
Put the tube in a pan full of warm water. Heat the water to a few degrees below the expected melting point.
Look at your sample carefully and record the temperature on the thermometer when you see the sample melting.