How to Stop Contamination of Monsanto's GMO
Shop local. By finding a farmer's market where you can buy directly from a small, family-owned farm, you can directly interact with the individuals responsible for growing the food you put on your table. Many organic farms will even allow customers to buy directly from the farm.
Read the labels on your food. In particular, you should look at dairy and meat products for a label that reads, "This comes from cows that have not been treated with rBST or rBGH." These stand for "Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin" and "Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone," products made by Monsanto.
Refuse to purchase genetically modified organisms. As a consumer, you have the ability to make a statement with each purchase. If you buy local and organic, your money will support responsible farming and sustainable practices.
Educate yourself on the issues. There are a number of controversies surrounding Monsanto, and by reading arguments both against and in favor of large agricultural businesses, you can make responsible food decisions for yourself and your family. Read arguments from both sides so that you can come to an informed decision.
Write to your congressional representatives. Monsanto is a large corporation with powerful lobbyists working to ensure that favorable legislation is passed at all levels of government. If you wish to tell members of the government that you are concerned about genetically modified organisms in your food, do not hesitate to write or call. You can find phone numbers and addresses on your senator's or representative's website.