Restaurant Sanitation Training
Goals of Restaurant Sanitation
The purpose of restaurant sanitation is to serve food free from toxins. Food can become polluted in various ways in its stages of preparation. Proper sanitation techniques must be practiced at every point along the chain of preparation. Training should make all staff members aware of their responsibilities in maintaining a safe and healthy food service environment.
Employee and Equipment Sanitation
Employee cleanliness and equipment cleanliness are fundamental elements of restaurant sanitation. All employees should wash their hands before beginning work, whenever they change skill positions and after visiting the restroom. Restaurant equipment should meet standards mandated by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). It should be cleaned intermittently throughout the day and thoroughly sanitized at the close of business. Rigorous equipment sanitation should be completed on a regularly scheduled basis.
Food Handling and Storage
Food handling and storage are areas where sanitation can quickly break down. Raw food must be stored below prepared food to prevent juices from dripping onto finished products. Prepared food should never be plated on surfaces that have not been sanitized after the preparation of raw food. It is illegal to serve home cooked food in public restaurants. Reusing or reselling food that has been served to a customer is also not allowed.
Restaurant Sanitation Classes
Most states require at least one restaurant staff member have a certificate in food service safety. Many training programs are available. Look for classes approved by the American National Standards Institute and the Conference for Food Protection. Online basic food safety courses are offered for less than $100. Restaurant sanitation training leading to a diploma may last several months with tuition dependent on the type of educational institution and geographic region.