Slaughter Tools
Captive Bolt
Percussion stunning techniques are commonly used to render animals unconscious or kill them before slaughtering. Firearms can be used at close range, but captive bolt guns are used more frequently for safety reasons. The captive bolt gun contains a steel rod that is propelled forward through an animal's skull and into its brain, rendering it unconscious and eventually resulting in death. It is driven by the force of compressed air or a blank cartridge. After each use the bolt retracts to be used on the next animal.
Electrical Stunning
Another effective and commonly used tool for stunning animals before slaughter is an electrical stunner. There are many types of electrical stunners, and each machine is altered toward the animal it is designed to stun. All use electrical currents to shock and render the animals unconscious. This instrument is used almost exclusively in large-scale chicken slaughtering operations. Beef are electrically stunned by attaching electrodes, connected to a power source, at the temples and administering electricity at up to 400 volts and 2.5 amperes for 3 to 6 seconds.
Carving Tools
Carving tools are generally used after the animal is dead, but with small-scale operations and kosher slaughtering methods, they are still used in the act of killing. Common knives used in slaughtering are straight boning knives and curved steak knives. A meat saw is another knife used during slaughter and is available in manual and electric forms. Other tools involved in the carving process include a sturdy cutting table made of stainless steel, oil or water sharpening stones, and sharpening steel.
Safety and Packing
Keeping a slaughtering environment sanitary is a crucial part of the slaughtering process. A knife sanitizer is an essential element to all slaughter operations to ensure the safety of the meat. A special wrapping table made of non-corrosive material, plastic or paper sheets or bags and storage items are needed for the meat packing process. To ensure the safety of the worker, safety gloves, a boning apron and a tool holder are used.