How to Carry Yogurt for Lunch
Packing yogurt in your lunch is normally a healthy choice, but it must be kept at the proper temperature or you risk food poisoning. Yogurt and other perishable foods need to be kept below 40 degrees, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If you must leave it at room temperature, only do so for two hours (or one hour if the temperature is above 90 degrees). Temperatures above 40 degrees promote harmful bacteria growth. Avoid this danger by packing yogurt in your lunch properly.Things You'll Need
- Insulated lunch bag
- Frozen gel pack or frozen drink
Limit the amount of yogurt you pack to just what you'll eat at lunch.
Pack the yogurt in a soft-sided, insulated lunch bag with a frozen gel pack or frozen drink to keep alongside it.
Freeze the yogurt overnight if you don't have a frozen gel pack or frozen drink, and then place it in your lunch bag. By lunchtime, it should be thawed.
Pack hot foods in a separate lunch bag so they won't warm up your yogurt.
Store the lunch bag containing the yogurt away from heat, such as radiators, computers and hot cars.
Throw away any leftover yogurt if proper refrigeration is not available after lunch.