How to Get a Food Handler's Card in Lane County, Oregon
Things You'll Need
- Training manual
Online Test
Go to the Oregon Food Handler's website and register. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email and you can log in to the site's study center.
Log in to the study center and read the learning objectives, watch a training video and review the study materials.
Take the test online. It is a 20 question test and you need to get 15 answers correct to earn your card.
Pay the fee -- which cost $10 as of April 2011 -- once you pass the test. You may pay with a credit or debit card, then print out your food handler's card, allowing you to legally work as a food handler in Oregon.
Take the Test in Person
Go the Lane County Government website and print out or view the Food Handler's review manual.
Study the manual thoroughly, paying special attention to the learning objectives on pages four through nine.
Go to the Environmental Health Central Office at 151 W 7th Avenue, Suite 430 in Eugene to take the test. As of 2011, the office offers testing hours from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. No appointment is necessary.
Take the test and get 15 out of 20 answers right to earn your food handler's card. If you pass the test and pay the $10 fee the Environmental Health Office will issue you your card.