How to Reuse Plastic Bottles for Water
It's true that using the same plastic water bottle for weeks or months at a time can cause side effects such as headache and nausea as a result of bacterial growth. But there is a safe way to get a few extra uses out of a single bottle before tossing it in the recycling bin. With a little extra effort at the sink, you can avoid many of the water-borne toxins that could cause harm.Things You'll Need
- Hot water
- Liquid dish detergent
- Bottle Cleaner
- Stickers
Empty the bottle completely of any water that might have been sitting in it. The do a couple quick rinses with hot water to release any saliva, sweat, or dust particles that might be present in the bottle.
Wash the bottle by using a liquid dish detergent and a bottle cleaner. The insides of the bottle are just as important as the bottle opening where you'll put your mouth for drinking.
Label individual bottles with stickers or name tags, so that the same bottle does not get shared by multiple people. Sharing bottles means added germs and potential bacterial growth. Also, place the bottles in a refrigerator or freezer rather than out in an open, warm place where bacteria can multiply.
Plan to toss the bottle after one reuse in order to stay healthy and toxin free. With multiple rewashes, the plastic starts to break down, releasing the chemicals into the water. Save a trip to the doctor's office by monitoring the number of times you've washed and refilled the same bottle.