How to Read Expiration Dates on Food Packaging
If buying a product such as milk, cheese or bread, the date should be clearly marked on the package and not in a code. Follow the guidelines in the introduction the determine it's expiration date. If purchasing from the deli, make sure the product has the current date and ask a deli worker when it was made and what the expiration date is.
If buying a boxed or canned product, look on the bottom of the product for a four digit code. If the first number is a 1-9, or an O, N, or D, use the 1 for January, 2 for February and so on until September, and then an O, N, and D for October, November and December respectively. If the first letter is an A-L, determine the month using A for January, B for February and so on.
Determine the day of the month that the product expires by examining the next two numbers in the series; the two digits refer to the day of the month.
Determine the year by checking the last digit in the series. If the number is a 1, add the current century in front of it. For example, if the last digit is 3, recognize that the product expires in 2003.